Getting started

Creating a client for a UNICORE site

import pyunicore.client as uc_client
import pyunicore.credentials as uc_credentials
import json

base_url = "https://localhost:8080/DEMO-SITE/rest/core"

# authenticate with username/password
credential = uc_credentials.UsernamePassword("demouser", "test123")

client = uc_client.Client(credential, base_url)
print(json.dumps(, indent = 2))

Running a job and read result files

my_job = {'Executable': 'date'}

job = client.new_job(job_description=my_job, inputs=[])
print(json.dumps(, indent = 2))

job.poll() # wait for job to finish

work_dir = job.working_dir
print(json.dumps(, indent = 2))

stdout = work_dir.stat("/stdout")
print(json.dumps(, indent = 2))
content = stdout.raw().read()

Connect to a Registry and list all registered services

registry_url = "https://localhost:8080/REGISTRY/rest/registries/default_registry"

# authenticate with username/password
credential = uc_credentials.UsernamePassword("demouser", "test123")

r = uc_client.Registry(credential, registry_url)

More examples

Further examples for using PyUNICORE can be found in the “integration-tests” folder in the source code repository.