UFTP (UNICORE FTP) is a fast file transfer toolkit, based on the standard FTP protocol, with an added authentication layer based on UNICORE.

To make a UFTP connection, a user first needs to authenticate to an authentication service, which will produce a one-time password, which is then used to connect to the actual UFTP file server.

UFTP support in PyUNICORE is based on the ftplib standard library.

Basic UFTP usage

Opening an FTP session involves authenticating to an authentication service using UNICORE credentials. Depending on the authentication service, different credentials might be accepted.

Here is a basic example using username/password.

import pyunicore.credentials as uc_credentials
import pyunicore.uftp as uc_uftp

# URL of the authentication service
auth_url = "https://localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST"

# remote base directory that we want to access
base_directory = "/data"

# authenticate with username/password
credential = uc_credentials.UsernamePassword("demouser", "test123")

uftp_session = uc_uftp.UFTP().connect(credential, auth_url, base_directory)

The object returned by connect() is an ftplib FTP object.

Using UFTP for PyFilesystem

You can create a PyFilesystem FS object either directly in code, or implicitely via a URL.

The convenient way is via URL:

from fs import open_fs
fs_url = "uftp://demouser:test123@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/data"
uftp_fs = open_fs(fs_url)

The URL format is


The FS driver supports three types of authentication

  • Username/Password - give username and password

  • SSH Key - give username and the identity parameter, where identity is the filename of a private key. Specify the password if needed to load the private key

  • Bearer token - give the token value via the token parameter

Mounting remote filesystems via UFTP

PyUNICORE contains a FUSE driver based on fusepy, allowing you to mount a remote filesystem via UFTP. Mounting is a two step process,

  • authenticate to an Auth server, giving you the UFTPD host/port and one-time password

  • run the FUSE driver

The following code example gives you the basic idea:

import pyunicore.client as uc_client
import pyunicore.credentials as uc_credentials
import pyunicore.uftp as uc_uftp
import pyunicore.uftpfuse as uc_fuse

_auth = "https://localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST"
_base_dir = "/opt/shared-data"
_local_mount_dir = "/tmp/mount"

# authenticate
cred = uc_credentials.UsernamePassword("demouser", "test123")
_host, _port, _password  = uc_uftp.UFTP().authenticate(cred, _auth, _base_dir)

# run the fuse driver
fuse = uc_fuse.FUSE(
uc_fuse.UFTPDriver(_host, _port, _password), _local_mount_dir, foreground=False, nothreads=True)